Michele Spanghero


(Gorizia, 1979) Michele Spanghero’s artistic activity extends from the sound art to the photographic research in a versatile and coherent manner such to get awarded of the best Italian young artist of 2016 prize by the Artribune magazine. He also got the international public art award in Sesto (2015), the online prize at the Blumm Prize in Bruxelles (2013) and the Icona award at ArtVerona (2012).

He exhibited in different international contexts such as Jardin des Tuileries (Paris, France), Hyundayii Motorstudio (Beijing, China), School of the Art Institute (Chicago, USA), Darb 1718 Center (II Cairo, Egypt), Museum of Modern Art (Istanbul, Turkey), Ars Electornica festival (Linz, Austria), Technisches Sammlungen (Dresda, Germany), Italian Embassy (Bruxelles, Belgium), Festival Tina-B (Prague, Czech Republic), Vžigalica Galerija (Lubiana, Slovenia).

He collaborated with important Italian Museums. We remember: Mart Museum (Rovereto), Palazzo Te (Mantova), Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria (Perugia), Galleria Civica (Modena), Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa (Venezia), Tempio di Adriano (Roma) and the involvement in the 16th Quadriennale d’arte (Roma).

“In Giovanardi I was struck by the variety of the working techniques and the great attention to details and to the product quality; likewise, I was surprised by the constant research for innovation and the capability of finding creative solutions. It’s a polymorphous entity that seems able to perfectly adapt itself to the different expressive needs of an artist.”

Panacousticon, 2019

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Patrick Tuttofuoco

Patrick Tuttofuoco