Reproduction of Olivetti calculator Logos 58, 2019

Reproduction of Olivetti calculator Logos 58 for ‘Non è questione di forma’ (‘It’s not about form’), 2019.

Photographic reproduction of the work under construction. Aluminium body welded and covered with an epoxy powder coating. Keys made from milled methacrylate, polished, varnished, printed using a silk-screen technique.

Courtesy of the artist and the Galleria Federico Vavassori

Work produced by the Giovanardi Corporation, based on a plan by Riccardo Paratore

Photographic credits:  Andrea Rossetti

Riccardo Paratore
Aluminium, methacrylate
200 x 120 x h 60 cm

With Non è questione di forma, Riccardo Paratore offers a large-scale replica of the iconic Olivetti calculator. The sculpture, in a ratio of 5:1, faithfully copies the components of the original machine. One can see the plastic keypad subdivided by operation, the impact printer with its vertical print head, the power and roundoff keys, and the decimal switch. Mechanical gadgets, numbers, and symbols to put in place the quantitative logos of the neoliberal homo economicus. In Non è questione di forma, these elements exist beyond merely ergonomic and functional considerations, reaching a sphere of purely connotative expression.

Technical specifications:

In-scale relief of the Olivetti Logos 58 calculator. Body in laser-cut aluminium shaped by a bending machine, welded and plastered. Surface finishing executed by a process of epoxy powder varnishing created ad hoc to obtain the effect of the original. Keys and accessories in methacrylate, formed by milling, laser cutting, turning, and hot bending, printed by means of a silk-screen technique.

Next artwork

NOI, 2019

3-D printed in pellets, aluminium, varnish, electromechanical movement, steel

Courtesy of the artist

Work produced by the Giovanardi Corporation

Photographic credits:  Andrea Rossetti

NOI, 2019

3-D printed in pellets, aluminium, varnish, electromechanical movement, steel

Courtesy of the artist

Work produced by the Giovanardi Corporation

Photographic credits:  Andrea Rossetti